Michael Jackson - Smooth criminal trick

Michael Jackson's Smooth Criminal trick: Michael Jackson designed the shoes that could really hook with the pins that are attached with the floor and makes us the feel that he can stand in the angle of 30 degree. That's cool.

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Michael was a vegetarian - Michael Jackson Facts 10/10

Michael was a vegetarian - Michael Jackson Facts 10/10 Michael loved Mexican food and he was a vegetarian.

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Michael Jackson's famous illusions - MJ Facts 9/10

Moonwalking: Moonwalking was borrowed by him from street dancers. But he made some changes before performing. Patented shoes: He patented his shoes before he started using it to create an anti-gravity illusion. He used the patented technic in Smooth criminal

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Thriller - the best selling album - Michael Jackson facts 8/10

Thriller holds the record of most-selling albums – till now more than 100 million records are sold. Also it has a lego version.

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Penalty for overdue - Michael Jackson Facts 7/10

He was once accused by a library of owing $1 million in overdue book fines!  But they wanted his autograph instead of $1 million money.

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MJ’s (2nd) best-selling albums - Michael Jackson Facts 6/10

MJ’s best-selling albums after thriller The second best-selling albums of Michael Jackson are BAD and Dangerous.

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Fake story : MJ's oxygen chamber - Michael Jackson facts 3/10

My apologies about the wrong information. Sources say that it's a fake story.  This image was taken after he met with a terrible accident and fakers created a fake story.

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Most awarded artist - Michael Jackson facts 2/10

He has received 23 Guinness World Records, 40 Billboard Awards, 13 Grammys, and 26 American Music Awards. He is the most awarded artist among living and deadin the history.

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Internet Crashed! - Michael Jackson facts 1/10

The effect of MJ's death on internet The famous sites like Wikipedia, Twitter and AOL’s Instant Messenger crashed the day he died, June 25, 2009. Download MJ Wallpapers HD now - click below image require(["mojo/signup-forms/Loader"], function(L) { L.start({"baseUrl":"mc.us13.list-manage.com","uuid":"f85a04f345b3955df0c974570","lid":"01d2a379d5"}) })

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