Michael Jackson outstripped his competitors with his break dance and great smile. His startling moves were considered as best in a timeless fashion. He could capture the hearts of the world for next few 10 decades and no one could touch his place ever. His skin disease was a sore trial and an incessant curse for him which caused him to get skin surgery later.

We always immerse ourself into listening to his songs. He lived only for few decades but he wrote the prophecy of the pop world for upcoming decades. He sure is an exemplary artist with a prognosticative mind :). He is the owner of the uplifting voice and tune which could never be refused. He deliberately predicted the future of the pop industry. His hard work and his relentless actions loomed out and gave him the name "the king". 

His powerful voice arouse and kindle our inner soul to dance in our own minds which is uncontrollable. His lyrics would go quite good congruence with our mind. If he is alive he could've been susceptible of being the first richest POP artist person in this world.

However, astonishingly he is still being the no.1 richest pop artist in the world even after his death.

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