We, Michael Jackson Fans, don’t give a damn about Michael Jackson critizers

            Michael Jackson being the master of POP field and the magician who stole our hearts. He never wanted to hurt anybody and he is the person with heart of gold. We, MJ Fans are NOT

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Michael Jackson Images collection - Dangerous, Bad, Man in the Mirror, Thriller, tribute to Michael Jackson, photos update (WWMJFCB)

Michael Jackson Dangerous, BAD, Man in the Mirror - Smiling Images - Photo Collection Michael Jackson Dancing Moonwalking Wallpapers, Rare photos, from Dangerous, Thriller, Man in the mirror albums – World Wide Michael Jackson Fans Club Post (WWMJFCB) Michael Jackson

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Proud to be an MJ fan - World Wide Michael Jackson fans club (WWMJFCB)

                I could say MJ has the power of inducing the people by his powerful voice and his Brrreaaeerak Dance. We, MJ fans have the affinity of his energetic and possessive lyrics. Only his fans could enjoy his tiding memories.

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The king of pop - The power of smile

The king of pop - Why he is the King of POP?               As the renowned performer of the fastest break dance, the leading and the prominent legend in the pop world, he is still the unbeatable and unbelievable master

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