The king of pop - The power of smile

The king of pop - Why he is the King of POP?

              As the renowned performer of the fastest break dance, the leading and the prominent legend in the pop world, he is still the unbeatable and unbelievable master of the “rock-and-roll” pop world!  His spryly dance with his moonwalk, and “the smooth criminal” styles made his name famous! You cannot believe your own eyes when he is spinning around on his own axis on the dance floor. You will feel like… “Who is he?, some kinda rapid fast psycho dancer with wheels on his foot?” huh? Is it possible for anybody to do that?

He is the far-famed celebrity who is known as the one who dedicated his life and his body to his music life. This is what made him the big-named man in hall-of-fame victor of many times. Every time he wins the “Grammy” award or “hall of fame”  award he just makes a little smile, which says “I am gonna win it again!” He received 13 Grammy awards and also Guinness world records and got inducted in the hall of fame. The preeminent and successful figure of the popular dance and music world. With a troubled relationship with the father and with very bad family situation he started singing in the Jackson 5 music band with the four other “Jacksons”. As, the above of all, he just smiled and said that his father’s strictness is the “stepping stone” of his successful life. The reason is simple. Anyone who is the possessor of a little smile could manage the life easier. Keep smiling!

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